Volunteer Registration

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us for the 2024 Boogie Music Festival! A SUBMITTED FORM IS CONFIRMATION OF DATES AND SHIFTS YOU ARE WORKING. Please make a note of the dates and shift times you sign up for in your calendar.

A follow up email will be sent prior to the event with details. Please sign up for all shifts you would like to work. If you are flexible on working either a Beer or Ticket booth, please choose your preferred option but include a note in the comments section that you're flexible in working either. 

Most of these positions require standing for extended lengths of time. If you are unable to stand for a long period, please contact the Chamber or mention in the comments any necessary shift adjustments or requirements. This allows us to place you in the best position possible to meet your needs.

All Volunteers Receive:
Access to Volunteer Hospitality Pavilion
One FREE meal or snack for each day worked
A Boogie volunteer t-shirt
One FREE drink ticket for each shift worked
An invitation to our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on November 6, 2024

If you would like to volunteer with someone, please provide their name in the comments section.

If you would like to volunteer as a full group for your business, community club, neighborhood, family and friends to fill a booth of 6 to 8 people for a shift please contact Teresa Stanko directly at [email protected] or 408-378-6252. 

Select a Position
Please select all the shifts you can confirm for!

  • On Saturday before the event begins the Set up shift requires the capability of moving large, heavier items to different areas along E Campbell Ave along with assembly of banners, signage and moving of metal frames.

  • You must be 21+ to work in a Ticket or Beer Booth. Checking IDs, wristbanding, drink ticket and glassware sales.

  • You must be 21+ to work in a Ticket or Beer Booth. Checking IDs, wristbanding, drink ticket and glassware sales.

  • On Sunday Afternoon at the close fo the festival the Tear down shift requires the capability of moving large, heavier items from different areas along E Campbell Avenue along with disassembling of banners, signage to clear the streets quickly for reopening.

Volunteer Information

Please contact the Chamber office with questions regarding volunteer registration | [email protected] | 408-378-6252

RegFox Event Registration Software