Boogie Free Speech Sign Up

For political and other non-profit organizations. 

Please sign up for only one (1) hour time slot during the festival. 

*Each individual and/or organization can sign up for one (1) hour on one (1) day of the event.
*All free speech participants must remain in the designated free speech area.
*Support the spirit of this community event by being courteous to all in attendance, including artists, event volunteers, Chamber Staff, clean-up crews, security staff and the public-at-large.
*These spaces are reserved for non-profit organizations; for-profit businesses and organizations are not permitted in this area.
*Space is to be occupied ONLY by the contracted organization; “subleasing” is not permitted.
*You may bring and setup one (1) table, no larger than (4' x 4') and (1) umbrella (no gazebos, canopies or tents). The table must be easily moved in case of emergencies. No more than two (2) chairs may be placed with the table (chairs provided by you).
*To avoid clutter and allow clear vision for attendees, one (1) sign is allowed, placed in front of the table hanging from the table top. Signs shall be no larger than 3.5' x 3.5' square and shall not be placed on posts above the level of the tabletop.
*Each organization has a single one hour time slot in which to set-up, speak and clean-up. Please adhere to your time to ensure other incoming organizations have their full 60 minutes. Vehicles are not permitted within Festival boundaries.
*All trash & debris must be disposed of in proper receptacles located throughout the Festival. The free speech area must be clean and free of all debris when you leave.
*Your representatives must not negatively impact the artists or other business sponsors who may be adjacent to you or in your immediate area. Complaints may result in removal from the Festival.
*Public Address Systems and/or bullhorns are not allowed at the Festival. All organizations and their representatives must refrain from harassing, forcing, or intimidating Festival attendees. All festival participants must refrain from calling out to, shouting at or otherwise raising their voices at Festival attendees.
*You will be assigned to a specific location when you check-in at Festival Info Booth on the day of the Festival. Once assigned to a specific space, you may not move your table setup to another location in the Festival.
*There will be NO solicitations of any kind at or around the Festival. Failure to comply will result in removal from the Festival. Please note that participation does not allow any type of monetary exchange.
*Free speech cannot include:  incitement, defamation, fraud,  hate speech, discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying, obscenity,  fighting words, and threats.


  • 10am-11am [1 remaining]

  • 11am-12pm [1 remaining]

  • 12pm-1pm [1 remaining]


  • 1pm-2pm [1 remaining]

  • 2pm-3pm [1 remaining]

  • 3pm-4pm [1 remaining]

  • 4pm-5pm [1 remaining]

  • 5pm-6pm [1 remaining]


  • 10am-11am [1 remaining]

  • 11am-12pm [1 remaining]

  • 12pm-1pm [1 remaining]


  • 1pm-2pm

  • 2pm-3pm [1 remaining]

  • 3pm-4pm [1 remaining]

  • 4pm-5pm [1 remaining]

Personal Info

Each individual and/or organization can sign up for one (1) hour on one (1) day of the event.

All free speech participants must remain in the designated free speech area.

Support the spirit of this community event by being courteous to all in attendance, including artists, event volunteers, Chamber Staff, clean-up crews, security staff and the public-at-large.

These spaces are reserved for non-profit organizations; for-profit businesses and organizations are not permitted in this area.

Space is to be occupied ONLY by the contracted organization; “subleasing” is not permitted.

You may bring and setup one (1) table, no larger than (4' x 4') and (1) umbrella (no gazebos, canopies or tents). The table must be easily moved in case of emergencies. No more than two (2) chairs may be placed with the table (chairs provided by you).

To avoid clutter and allow clear vision for attendees, one (1) sign is allowed, placed in front of the table hanging from the table top. Signs shall be no larger than 3.5' x 3.5' square and shall not be placed on posts above the level of the tabletop.

Each organization has a single one hour time slot in which to set-up, speak and clean-up. Please adhere to your time to ensure other incoming organizations have their full 60 minutes. Vehicles are not permitted within Festival boundaries.

All trash & debris must be disposed of in proper receptacles located throughout the Festival. The free speech area must be clean and free of all debris when you leave.

Your representatives must not negatively impact the artists or other business sponsors who may be adjacent to you or in your immediate area. Complaints may result in removal from the Festival.

Public Address Systems and/or bullhorns are not allowed at the Festival. All organizations and their representatives must refrain from harassing, forcing, or intimidating Festival attendees. All festival participants must refrain from calling out to, shouting at or otherwise raising their voices at Festival attendees.

You will be assigned to a specific location when you check-in at Festival Info Booth on the day of the Festival. Once assigned to a specific space, you may not move your table setup to another location in the Festival.

There will be NO solicitations of any kind at or around the Festival. Failure to comply will result in removal from the Festival. Please note that participation does not allow any type of monetary exchange.

Free speech cannot include: incitement, defamation, fraud, hate speech, discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying, obscenity, fighting words, and threats.
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